So I actually did it. HA! See I do finish projects...despite popular belief. So the tutorial on how to do these is in last month's set of entries. I don't think they mention this, but when you go to drill the hole for the post lay painters tape or the equivalent across the cover (don't use scotch or plastic tapes). It keeps the book cloth from binding up your drill and keeps the cardboard scragglies to a minimum. I've made this mistake before with a different project and it ruined a mother's day gift.
Picked this particular book up to make this for Cassie. She just put on a BFA show (Bachelor of Fine Arts). so it seemed fitting given that she's an illustrator. Graduation is next week! :D In case anyone is wondering her amazing artwork can be seen on her amazing blog.
Also a note to anyone else making these, unless the binding on the book is still pretty firm you'll have trouble with it leaning toward the back when you set it up. Partly because of the weight on the front with the clock mechanism. I"m not quite sure how to fix this problem but my first thought on the matter is to purchase/steal/borrow/inherit books that have good sturdy bindings still. BUT if the book you love and want to do this to is a little shabby (that is part of the charm after all) try gluing the binding back on firmly, maybe slipping a small dowel down the spine and gluing that in place....I suppose it depends on the book. Let me know if you find a solution that works really well.
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