Sorry about Free Fridays ending up being free Wednesdays...but seeing as how my audience is pretty much just my twin sister right now I'm sure it's not that big of a deal. haha! Anyway, this is it, compliments of yours truly. I couldn't find a lobster design I liked so I thought to my self, "self, what's keeping you from designing one you like?" and I replied, "well, nothing really." And thus Herbert was born. Climbed right out of my skull fully formed like Athena did to Zeus. Neat trick huh.
Actually he only had 6 legs to begin with and I had to readjust a lot of things after I got it onto the computer. It turned into quite the editing process.
The guide on the bottom never got finished somehow but it's pretty obvious, red and darker red and black for the eyes and antennae. The eyes should be French knots or seed beads. Although the way it's designed you can also do the whole thing in one solid color for more of a silhouette effect (I think it'd be fun in fuchsia!). The one I'm doing as a mock up is almost done, but not quite so it'll be up soon-ish. By the way, don't steal this unless you want me to hunt you down and eat your soul. But feel free to enjoy it as long as you give credit. To do otherwise is just plain rude. If you want to make them and sell them that's okay too, but the limit is five total. Also, I want pictures!
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