A glimpse into my inner sanctum.

Currently I live in the basement at my parent's house. (don't laugh, the rent is free) and it looks like so:
(Confession Session? I bought that bedspread while I worked overnights at Wallyworld. Someday I'll made something for myself, but for now it works quite well)

This picture is a rendering I did of the bedclothes that are (in theory) going to go in "my" room when move out. That is if mom ever gets around to making it...just like she's gotten around to doing the pillows for her bed (I keep stealing her forms--she's not using them!)

The window treatments for the room are done (and silly cause they have blackout lining but they're so far from the wall all the light seeps in through the sides (I know cause I worked overnights remember. ICK!) So hopefully this'll exist someday too...I wouldn't hold my breathe though (I'm actually quite bad at that anyway--I like breathing too much)

By the by I should give some extra credit here. My friend Ashly (from the interior design program) and I designed the bedspread together (which was tricky given the amounts of fabric we actually had to work with). YAY for team work!

Words of wisdom for the day:
"Collaboration causes innovation"
"LIFE is collaborative"
