So this Friday is a little bit lazy (cause I didn't actually stitch it) but I did take the time to make you some sweet robot love cross stitch pattern goodnes...inspired by my new boyfriend (YAY!!!) He is the reason I've been so distracted and not posting. So if you have issues, take it up with him.
I present to you (dun dun dun duuuuuuun)
"Sterling, the Lovesick Robot"
And Sterling and his Girlfriend. Sterling really has a thing for girls with bows in their hair. He even put a hat on to dress up for their night out on the town. Isn't that just precious.? (the correct answer is "yes, yes it it is.")
Sooo...that pretty much does it for today. Enjoy! (hopefully I'll get pictures of the completed versions up soon(ish)....
sooooooooooo cute!