Soooooo....I found this lovely little pattern on the interwebs a few months back:

Courtesy of Knitting Memories. I actually sat down with my mother and had her teach me how to knit* just so I could make some of these bad boys. Seriously, who doesn't want to wash their body with Optimus Prime's face?! So the first one I did....well it stunk and I'm not going to show it to you, let's just say I gifted it to a friend of the family who while unable to fully appreciate all the work that went into it, is also unaware of how horribly flawed it is. That being said, as far as I know it still washes stuff just fine.

The second attempt was much more successful (featured above) and was a house-warming gift to my wonderful boyfriend. But one cloth didn't seem like nearly enough for a first time home buyer. That and what is a superhero without an arch enemy? And so I did what I always do and dived right into composing my own knitting pattern (keep in mind this is after only semi-successfully finishing one measly looking washcloth and knowing next to nothing about knit anything).

Thankfully it was a success(!), thus I present to you the fruits of my labours:


Granted the powder blue is less than fierce, but it was on sale....

And now the most anticipated part: the instructions! So you can make some for your own honey or children (or what have you).**

CO 49

1-6. Make Border (MB) I alternated 1K and 1P

7. MB4, K41, MB4

8. MB4, P41, MB4

9. MB4, K20, P1, K20, MB4

10. MB4, P17, K2, P1, K1, P1, K2, P17, MB4

11. MB4, K14, P4, K1, P3, K1, P4, K14, MB4

12. MB4, P11, K6, P2, K3, P2, K6, P11, MB4

13. MB4, K8, P8, K2, P5, K2, P8, K8, MB4

14. MB4, P7, K8, P2, K7, P2, K8, P7, MB4

15. MB4, K6, P9, K1, P9, K1, P9, K6, MB4

16. MB4, P6, K8, P2, K9, P2, K8, P6, MB4

17. MB4, K6, P7, K2, P11, K2, P7, K6, MB4

18. MB4, P6, K6, P2, K13, P2, K6, P6, MB4

19. MB4, K6, P6, K1, P15, K1, P6, K6, MB4

20. MB4, P6, K5, P2, K15, P2, K5, P6, MB4

21. MB4, K5, P5, K2, P17, K2, P5, K5, MB4

22. MB4, P5, K5, P1, K19, P1, K5, P5, MB4

23. MB4, K5, P4, K1, P21, K1, P4, K5, MB4

24. MB4, P5, K3, P2, K21, P2, K3, P5, MB4

25. MB4, K5, P2, K2, P23, K2, P2, K5, MB4

26. MB4, P5, K2, P1, K25, P1, K2, P5, MB4

27. MB4, K4, P2, K2, P9, K1, P5, K1, P9, K2, P2, K4, MB4

28. MB4, P4, K2, P1, K8, P3, K5, P3, K8, P1, K2, P4, MB4

29. MB4, K4, P1, K1, P7, K4, P7, K4, P7, K1, P1, K4, MB4

30. MB4, P5, K5, P7, K7, P7, K5, P5, MB4

31. MB4, K4, P5, K8, P7, K8, P5, K4, MB4

32. MB4, P4, K5, P8, K7, P8, K5, P4, MB4

33. MB4, K4, P4, K8, P4, K1, P4, K8, P4, K4, MB4

34. MB4, P4, K15, P3, K15, P4, MB4

35. MB4, K4, P14, K2, P1, K2, P14, K4, MB4

36. MB4, P4, K13, P2, K3, P2, K13, P4, MB4

37. MB4, K3, P7, K8, P5, K8, P7, K3, MB4

38. MB4, P3, K4, P10, K7, P10, K4, P3, MB4

39. MB4, K3, P4, K4, P5, K1, P7, K1, P5, K4, P4, K3, MB4

40. MB4, P3, K12, P2, K3, P1, K3, P2, K12, P3, MB4

41. MB4, K3, P12, K1, P4, K1, P4, K1, P12, K3, MB4

42. MB4, P2, K8, P6, K3, P3, K3, P6, K8, P2, MB4

43. MB4, K2, P5, K9, P3, K3, P3, K9, P5, K2, MB4

44. MB4, P2, K4, P5, K3, P1, K4, P3, K4, P1, K3, P5, K4, P2, MB4

45. MB4, K2, P4, K1, P7, K1, P11, K1, P7, K1, P4, K2, MB4

46. MB4, P2, K12, P1, K11, P1, K12, P2, MB4

47. MB4, K2, P10, K3, P11, K3, P10, K2, MB4

48. MB4, P2, K7, P5, K4, P5, K4, P5, K7, P2, MB4

49. MB4, K2, P3, K9, P3, K7, P3, K9, P3, K2, MB4

50. MB4, P1, K3, P9, K3, P9, K3, P9, K3, P1, MB4

51. MB4, K1, P2, K9, P3, K11, P3, K9, P2, K1, MB4

52. MB4, P1, K1, P10, K2, P13, K2, P10, K1, P1, MB4

53. MB4, K11, P2, K15, P2, K11, MB4

54. MB4, P11, K1, P17, K1, P11, MB4

55. MB4, K10, P1, K19, P1, K10, MB4

56. MB4, P41, MB4

57. MB4, K41, MB4

58-64. MB

Cast Off Loosely

Keep in mind that it's a little bit bigger than the original Transformers washcloth pattern, but I doubt the various men in your life will notice or care...Mine certainly didn't:

(He was too busy being a dishcloth ninja)

In conclusion (grade school habits die hard apparently)......knitting takes forever! But it's worth it if you're working on something you love or you know someone else will love. Personally I will stick to the 99 cent fluffy loofas as the super market, but Sterling really loved his dishcloths and showercloths. I may be the coolest girlfriend EVAH...."toot toot"

*If you don't have access to a knitting mom, grandma, aunt or other distant relative--borrow someone else's (heheheh) ...OR just youtube it. I found plenty of good advice on there when I forgot to how to cast on and off. Also, Knitting In Plain English is a good place to start; very clear directions and pictures. It, of course, can be found on Amazon dot com and in most book stores. I bet your local library even has a copy (and it's free!)
**This sick obsession with parenthesis needs to stop. It's the crutch to my horrible run on sentences. Also, don't these footnotes make me look totally profesh? :D


  1. That is freaking sweet! If I had the patience, I would knit myself a sweater with the autobots symbol on it.

  2. Hi! I was soo excited to find your blog and your pattern is awesome I'm dying to make this for a friend of mine who LOVES Transformers. I was curious what size needles you used? and if by any chance you would happen to have the pattern for the Autobots washcloth? pretty please I had it bookmarked and that blogged no longer exsists ;(

  3. Wonderful pattern! Just made 1 for my geek!


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